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Problem When I load image files using my script.

Date: 20 Nov 2001
Time: 12:40:23
Remote Name:


When I load image files they black out everything else in the display, including adjacent image files. This makes it very difficult to work with multiple images. WHen I select the image files and hit the zoomtoactivethemes button it fixes the problem and i can continue on as normal. not sure what the problem is, following is the script. Pleae feel free to e-mail me with any advice. Thanks much! theView = av.GetActiveDoc for each t in theView.GetActiveThemes t.ClearSelection end av.GetProject.SetModified(true) ithemes = {} allthemes = av.getactivedoc.getthemes for each t in allthemes if ( then ithemes.add(t) t.setactive(true) end end theview = av.getactivedoc thmlist = ithemes thmList2 = thmlist.clone for each t in thmList dodelete = true if (doDelete = nil) then break elseif (doDelete) then theView.DeleteTheme(t) thmList2.RemoveObj(t) else thmList2.RemoveObj(t) end end for each t in thmList2 theView.DeleteTheme(t) end av.GetProject.SetModified(true) av.PurgeObjects myview = av.getactivedoc myindextheme = myview.findtheme("sid index") thepoint = myview.getdisplay.returnuserpoint myindextheme.selectbypoint(thepoint,#VTAB_SELTYPE_NEW) myftab = myindextheme.getftab myfield = myftab.findfield("image_path") for each rec in myftab.getselection s = myftab.returnvaluestring(myfield,rec) mysrcnames = srcname.make(s) mythemes = theme.make(mysrcnames) thethemes = myview.addtheme(mythemes) myview.invalidate themelist = myview.getthemes for each t in themelist if ( then themelist.shuffle(t,999) end end for each t in themelist if ( then t.setvisible(true) end av.getactivedoc.invalidate av.getactivedoc.invalidatetoc(nil) end end


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