Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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In 90 minutes, you can maximise and unlock the full and limitless potential of your data by attending just one workshop.
FME can help you say goodbye to data silos today!

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Why FME?

Is your company or business using data to make decisions? In most industries, the key to success is being able to make data-driven decisions quickly. At Safe Software, we believe every organization can maximize the value of their data. Whatever your data challenge, FME can help you solve it.

Why You Need Data Integration

Data is everywhere now. This is why data integration is integral to making the most of your data and to make data-driven decisions. This workshop will give you an overview of what FME is, how to integrate data with FME and how to avoid data bottlenecks.


Learn How to Maximize Your Data and Minimize Your Efforts with FME

Participate in our free, interactive workshop to learn how to make the most of your data with FME. This is for users who are just starting out with FME or who want to brush up on their FME knowledge. The FME Accelerator will teach you the fundamentals of automating your data integration workflows and connecting to over 450 formats. Spend more time utilising data and less time fighting against it.

No FME Installation Required

Learn from the comfort of your home and/or office.




Ask questions and participate in hands-on exercises with FME experts.



Interactive Problem Solving

Real-world FME examples and case studies will help you unlock your data.


Who Is This For?

No prior FME, coding or GIS experience is required. This workshop is for anyone interested in maximizing the value of their data with FME. This workshop is particularly helpful to anyone who is a Data, BI, GIS and IT professional.

What You Will Learn

You will gain hands-on experience, have the chance to ask FME Experts questions, and have a brief overview of:

     1. How FME can solve your data challenges.

     2. Basics of using FME to integrate, automate and connect your data.

What You Will Need

A computer with an Internet connection, and a desire to learn. This workshop will take place on Strigo, a virtual training platform. You do not need FME or Strigo installed. We will provide FME and a link to use Strigo in your browser for you during the workshop.


Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa


Data Conversion, Data Manipulation and

Data Integration with FME Platform

*Check out our website GIS Webinars Malaysia for the upcoming FME Workshop.

