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Feature Transfer Tool

  1. Feature Transfer Tool is a free open-source plugin for QGIS that provides a seamless way to copy and paste features between layers.

  2. Feature Transfer Tool designed for efficiency and ease of use. To ensure the feature data accurately copy and paste.

  3. The extension is available from the official repository, QGIS plugins page.

  4. Use the QGIS Plugins menu to install the Feature Transfer Tool, QGIS manual.

  5. A zip file of the current release is also available here for manual installation.

  6. Feature Transfer Tool is under development and test with QGIS 3.34.

  1. Source Code

  1. The source code of the module in Github can be obtained.

  1. Data Formats

  1. Any layers can be from any geospatial data source supported by QGIS.

  1. Objectives

     1. Allows users to select the source layer from which features will be copied.

     2. The plugin ensures that fields in the target layer are compatible and will add missing fields as needed.

     3. Allows users to select the destination layer where features will be pasted.

     4. Allows users to select specific features based on selected fields.

     5. Provides a search function to locate features within the selected field.

     6. Users can choose to copy all fields or specific fields from the source layer to the target layer.

     7. Copies selected features from the source layer to the target layer, including their geometry and attributes.

  1. Tutorial

  1. Feature Transfer Tool can be found in Vector menu after the installation.

Feature Transfer Tool Menu
  1. This is the main interface of the Feature Transfer Tool. When you click the Feature Transfer Tool, it will be displayed on the panel on the left side of the QGIS interface.

Feature Transfer Tool Interface
  1. As you can see in the Layers Selection section, there are options for Copy from Layer and Paste to Layer, where you can choose the layers from which you want to copy and paste features.

Layers Selection Interface

If there is no layer selected in the Copy from Layer, the Field(s) to Copy section will not be displayed.

Feature Transfer Interface

Select a layer that you want to copy in Copy from Layer dropdown.

In the Field(s) to copy section, it will display a list of fields from the selected layer in Copy from Layer.

You can either choose to copy all fields or select specific fields to copy and paste.

Field(s) to Copy Interface

Next, choose the layer where you want to paste the copied features in the Paste to Layer dropdown.

For Search Source Layer for Features option, you can select a field and data feature from the selected layer in Copy from Layer.

You can click the Search button, and it will highlight and navigate to the selected feature in the Copy from Layer.

Search Source Layer for Features Interface

Once you have configured everything, click Copy Feature to Layer to successfully copy the selected features from the Copy from Layer to the Paste to Layer.

Feature Transfer Tool Button
  1. Contacts

  1. If you find a bug or have suggestions for improving the plugin, use the issues tracker. In addition, questions about using the plugin can be asked directly from our website.

  1. Related Links

  1. For more information, you can go to:

  2. Main website: GIS Innovation Sdn. Bhd.

    Webinar: GIS Webinars Malaysia

    Training: GIS Training Malaysia
