Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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Creating and Editing Layers (ID:QGIS23/004)


* Webinar starts at minute 03:54



10 JANUARY 2023


This webinar is a continuation webinar “QGIS22/003”. We will discuss and demonstrate how to create spatial data using QGIS; we will discuss how table structure is created as well as the base geometry. We will also discuss the concepts of adding and editing “features” as well as editing and updating attribute information.

Related Links for the Webinar Slide:

Slide 8:

Slide 10:

Spatial Query and Analysis (ID:QGIS23/005)


* Webinar starts at minute 08:44



31 JANUARY 2023


This webinar covers the importance of using QGIS in analysing data spatially (also we will cover how to generate statistics on data). QGIS comes with powerful selection tools and we will learn how to select data based on feature relation-ships between multiple layers. We will also demonstrate how to merge features based on specific criteria.

Related Links for the Webinar Slide:

Slide 1:

Slide 4:

Slide 7:

Slide 7:

Slide 8:


Slide 9:

Slide 9:

Slide 11:

Georeferencing with QGIS (ID:QGIS23/006)


* Webinar starts at minute 09:55



28 FEBRUARY 2023


In this webinar we will discuss the Georeferencing concepts, what is it used for and we will demonstrate a simple example of georeferencing images (rasters). Referencing rasters has always been one of the critical tasks on a GIS platform. We will use QGIS georeferencing tools in order to place the images into their right geospatial location. We will also discuss the concepts of Projections.

Related Links for the Webinar Slide:

Slide 7:

Slide 8:

Slide 13:

Slide 14:

QGIS Print Layouts (ID:QGIS23/007)


* Webinar starts at minute 00:30



07 March 2023


In this webinar we will discuss about layouts and what is the use of the layouts. We will explain how to create a final map for presentation and printing by combining views, tables, charts, images, north arrows, logos, and scale bars to create a final map.

Adjusting Vectors with QGIS (ID:QGIS23/008)


* Webinar starts at minute 09:51



21 March 2023


In this webinar, we will explain how adjusting vectors can be done through different ways which include shifting rotating and scaling data. We will also show how the operations can be carried out using the Affine transformation tools.



How to separate feature based on unique values?


You can use the Split Vector Layer and check the “Add Field prefix to file name”.

1.     Click on drop down Vector menu >> Select Data Management Tools >> Choose Split Vector layer.
2.     Next, from Split Vector Layer window, select Input file and check the “Add Field prefix to file name”.
3.     Select the Output file type.
4.     Lastly, specify the output directory to save the output layers.
5.     Click Run button to execute the process.
6.     Once the process completes, you will have a set of new files.

Partial Data Viewing and Specific Data Export QGIS (ID:QGIS23/009)


* Webinar starts at minute 03:44



22 AUGUST 2023


QGIS provide powerful tools that allow you to remove data from the view without deleting them. In this webinar, we will discuss the various methods to view only specific data based on attributes and export only data we need for future use.
