Hi All, Sorry about the time it has taken to do this sum. I had a number of responses which are listed below. 1) Convert shapefile to a arcinfo coverage. Clean the coverage and possibly convert back to a shapefile. 2) Check min./max. scale of display for theme. 3) Check the graphics card (same data tried on similar pc and works fine). 4) Delete sbn and sbx files [index files] (may be corrupted, especially if theme is edited on a different machine). Rebuild the index files (make the theme active. click tables, click the shape field, click field|remove index). To be sure exit arcview. Start Arcview, repeat the foregoing steps and click field|build index. 5) Possible display/memory problems. 6) Check amount of free space on drive. Swap space on same drive may be causing problem. 7) Cleaning the shp. files with an extension or script like "Shape Checker" or something similar. Attached is a script contributed by M. Ciscell. I have passed the responses on, but have not heard back from the person who had the problem. Cheers, Craig C. Poynter Spatial Analysis Officer Spatial Data Analysis Network Unit Charles Sturt University Web: http://wwwdb.csu.edu.au/division/dit/span