Greetings Listers, Original question: Can I export from ArcView my .avl file, or some other type of definition of the colors and use those definitions in CorelDRAW 10? Or, If there is a way to get the hsv2rgb script (downloaded from ArcScripts site - it only works on graphics) to work on a shapefile, that would be excellent! ********** Our solution was to minimize the ArcView window so only the the theme legend in the view screen was visible. Click alt+print screen to copy the active window, which was then pasted into CorelDraw10. There is a tool in CorelDraw called "color picker," it is either a little eyedropper or a spilling bucket. Using that tool, you can then select and copy the colors from the pasted item, in our case, the legend, to your CorelDraw document. Crude, yes, but it did work. Not sure if this tool is available in other versions of CorelDraw or not. Two people responded with different scripts. We did not try these, as we got the above method to work before recieving these responses. Thanks for your help and time in answering my question, Bill and Rolf, and I will try the scripts with another project I'm working on. from Bill Huber (thanks Bill!): Consider running the script (Legend.ShowRGB) with the legend(s) active. You can select and copy the output text for pasting into any other Windows document for further processing. The script Loops over all active themes. Within a theme, loops over all symbols in its legend. Sets the corresponding labels to clearly show R, G, B. From Rolf Aa. Broch (thanks Rolf!): a script that will loop through the classifications of the legend of the active themes in the view and get the RGB values of the foreground,background, and outline colours and present this in a MsgBox with the following format. '' '' THEME: Drainage.shp '' FOREGROUND BACKGROUND OUTLINE LABEL '' Red Green Blue Red Green Blue Red Green Blue '' 000 000 255 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL '' '' THEME: Cntry92.shp '' FOREGROUND BACKGROUND OUTLINE LABEL '' Red Green Blue Red Green Blue Red Green Blue '' 192 101 073 255 255 255 000 000 000 Afghanistan '' 255 215 000 255 255 255 000 000 000 Albania '' 189 183 107 255 255 255 000 000 000 Algeria '' 247 181 103 255 255 255 000 000 000 Angola '' ... '' ... '' '' The string is also copied to the windows clipboard. If anyone would like the full scripts, just drop me a note and I will forward them on. Thanks! Ann Fritz ND Department of Health - Division of Water Quality